Thursday, December 1, 2011

Angry ranting for your enjoyment...

I have gone through this baby weight loss journey three times now, and the most surprising thing to me has always been how other people react to my weight loss. Mostly I get positive feedback, usually from people who care about me and my health. Sometimes I am "thinspiration" for others, I appreciate that, I don't feel worthy of it, but I appreciate it all the same.
The thing that surprises me most is when people seem offended by my weight loss. Like my losing weight is some affront to them. I'm losing this weight for a few reasons, none of them being anyone outside: myself, my kids, and my husband. My motivation is truly my health and being a positive role model for my girls. Of course looking better in my clothes and having my husband look at me like a goddess, doesn't hurt either. ( I can't believe I am feeling forced to define why I am losing weight) I recently posted this picture to my facebook page:Brighton picked out this Hello Kitty T-shirt for me, in a size Medium off the clearance rack at Target a month ago. As it was only 3$ and it makes the kids happy I bought it and wear it, even though it's getting a little 'baggy' in the tummy area. The kids giggle every time I wear one of these shirts. And Brighton thinks I am the coolest mom at the bus stop! ( A title I am so thrilled to win)....
So, I was a little confused when this innocent photo...taken Tuesday morning in my sweats caused my weight loss to again be the focus of such criticism by some. My improper pride and vanity has been called into question. Also, because I want to lose my baby weight I somehow don't appreciate my children? I understand some people see vanity as a sin, but I think the Lord wants us to be beautiful and take care of the temple he has given us. I'd like to share a quote by Brigham Young he says:

"Let the sisters take care of themselves, and make themselves beautiful, and if any of you are so superstitious and ignorant as to say that this is pride, I can say that you are not informed as to the pride which is sinful before the Lord, you are also ignorant as to the excellency of the heavens, and of the beauty which dwells in the society of the Gods. Were you to see an angel, you would see a beautiful and lovely creature. Make yourselves like angels in goodness and beauty."

.... I am so amazed by what my body has done it is expanded and stretched 70 pounds three times! It has produced 3 beautiful perfect little girls who I love with all of my soul. I would say all of my heart, but a body is a temporary vessel and my love for my children is eternal. I am mostly hurt by the assertion that I am some how hurting my children by being healthy. Shame on you, anyone who believes that. And finally, that I am proud of my weightloss....Well heaven forbid I be proud of the hard work and effort of losing 70 pounds! (3 times) I have seen much less worthwhile things being toted onto facebook for the world to see.

So without further ado:
I weigh 149 pounds
Size 6/8 jeans
I have lost 71 pounds since March.
(and hell yeah I'm proud of that!)
And I have revised my goal from 135 pounds to 130 pounds.
So here's to the next 19!
P.S. I should mention that most of the drama took place off facebook, in case you are wondering where the fuel for this post came from.