Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So, this blog entry has been a work in progress for almost 3 months. I've been wanting to write for sometime about resolutions and goals. It seemed totally proper to have this be my new years entry...I'm nothing if not punctual.

Which brings me to my first new years resolution. To be more organized. My lack of organization is probably my biggest issue with myself. I have always been a personality that thrives in chaos. <---that last bit is the lie I have told myself for the last few years. A couple years ago, there was this little status update going around on the facebook that asked people to describe you in few words and the most common thing people had to say about me was, "free spirit". People say things to me all the time, like "Emily, you are such a free spirit." I love that term "free spirit" because it makes being flaky sound almost positive.
I'm reminded of an object lesson from high school, where the teacher handed us each a balloon full of air, and a push pin. She said, "TRY to pop this balloon." So everyone put pushpin to balloon and popped the balloon. Then she said,

"you see...there is no 'try' there is just 'do' or 'not do'."

The thing about goals and resolutions (or almost anything for that matter), is that if it's really important to you, you make time to do it. You work on it, and possibly for the first time in my life it has become important to me to become a better version of myself.

The first lesson I've learned this year is you don't have to be the best at something to enjoy it. I give myself permission to do it anyway. I am not the best singer in the world, I'm not great; I might not even be good. In the past that would have been enough to keep me from preforming. But I love music and enjoy singing so I have been accepting invitations to sing in church and other activities. Of course I am nervous but afterward I am grateful for the opportunity to do something I love.
I find I can apply that lesson to a lot of things in my life: running, photography, parenting, cooking, crafting, gardening, scrap booking, my church calling, and even organization.

My second resolution is to simplify.

(see I'm doing it already)