Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

     So every year I fully intend to write a Christmas letter. Every year I either don't start it, start it but don't finish it,  finish it but don't get them sent out, or get them sent out in February.  In the first week of December when I start getting Christmas letters I marvel at the time and energy some people have; elaborate photo shoots and beautiful embossed envelopes. WHAT?!?! Who has time for this?!
     I am not overly fond of  the Christmas letter because it clearly has become an excuse to brag about your accomplishments and/or list your ailments.  I have one friend who sends out a three page front and back letter in the tiniest font every year. (Merry Christmas: I got you an incredibly boring novel)  On the other hand I have a friend who sends me a one page piece of holiday paper in a reasonable font making being a stay at home mom sound like saving the world, one perfect sugar-sheilded child at a time. (Merry Christmas- You're not good enough) I saw something on Pinterest the other day that said something along the lines of "the reason we aren't satisfied is that we compare our lives to everyone else's highlight reel"  Which I find totally true. People put their best face on in front of the world and you rarely see them for what they truly are.  True to form, I did not get a Christmas Letter sent out this year so I'd like to leave this with you here:
An Honest Christmas Letter
With a little help from a rhyming dictionary
From The Jensen's 
2012 (Just barely)

Twas the Eve before New Years, when all through the house.
All three girls were fighting over the computer mouse
The laundry still flung all over the chair,
Because mom, in pajamas, quite frankly... didn't care .

The children were jumping in their unmade beds,
While visions of acrobats danced in their heads.
And Mama watched netflix, not giving a crap,
exhausted, overwhelmed, and needing a nap

When out of the kitchen there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the doorway I flew like a flash,
Leaping over toys with great flair and panache.

The floor in the kitchen was littered with play-dough
an entire box of cereal, and a bowl of green jello.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, 

But a bag of mini-marshmallows and my zebra brassiere.

Three girls in the mess, caught quite red-handed 
Upon seeing the fury they quickly disbanded!
Laughing and squealing, swiftly they ran!

Shouting and yelling the call of Tarzan.

"Now Paisley! Now, Fairon!
And you too Brighton!"

"get your tushes back in here!" I tried to frighten
From corner to corner, wall to wall
The mess was so big, so deep, and so tall.

I sat for a second and put up my feet
surveyed the destruction and admitted defeat.
I got out the broom and swept up the crumbs
maybe I threatened to tan three little bums.  

When in they came, one by one.
I handed them towels and we got the job done.
We tidied the kitchen then the living room next
And when we were done I asked them perplexed,

"You're Lucky You're Cute! Now what were you thinking?!?"
Because honestly, I hadn't an inkling.
"For less then a minute you were out of sight!"
all I do is clean from dawn until twilight.

And in the moment when I'm completely depressed
I get hugs and kisses and remember I'm blessed. 
Three sweet little girls
a house full of: pink, and glitter, and pearls.
Naked barbie dolls and stray little socks,
little purple panties, little wood blocks.
Sweet morning giggles, reading books, singing songs
and I remember this is where I  belong.   
Are there things more noble? Are there things of more worth?  
 I wouldn't trade this for all the treasures of Earth.

As I'm writing this one child bit another
AHH! The sweet joys of being a mother
From our chaos to yours, much to our delight
Merry Christmas, Happy New Years!!!!
And too all a Good Night!