Sunday, December 21, 2014

The year is ending...

So many of you know that I find annual Christmas cards to be one of the only legitimate excuses left for outright bragging about your family's accomplishments....

You might also know that even though I always have plans to get a Christmas card together and mailed has never actually happened.

Still, the end of 2014 is a time for very serious reflection, and I am nothing if not incredibly serious.


  • Participated in a "Pooping Promotes Literacy" campaign, at the end of which she was completely potty trained, and had read the entire written works of Elmo. 
  • Turned 3! Started 3 year old preschool, where she is the master of play-dough and puzzles. 
  • Conquered her fear of public speaking and complete sentences.
  • Learned the Alphabet. 
  • Reigning Hungry Hungry Hippos Champion.

  • Graduated from Preschool, and started Transitional Kindergarten
  • Stopped crying at school (Something we both conquered this year)
  • Learned how to say the "L"  and the "th" sounds. The only one we are still missing is the "r" sounds. (All kidding aside, she has worked really hard on these!)
  • Donated 9 inches of her hair to Beautiful Lengths campaign, looked adorable before and after!
  • In 2014 she retained her title as the Jensen Family Drama Queen. 
  • Learned how to put her face under the water

  • Graduated from 1st grade and started 2nd grade
  • Continues to learn to navigate through "girl drama" in school
  • Mastered her fear of the Tooth Fairy and Elf on the Shelf; decided to keep her fear of balloons,
  • Holds the record for: Most Things Remembered ( that need to be shared) After Bedtime.
  • Fell in love with Chapter Books
  • Actually attempted to get her feet on the ball in soccer.
  • Embarrassed children countless times
  • 2 pinterest projects completed, both failures
  • Gained and lost the same 10 pounds a half dozen times.
  • Decided to have another baby & decided never to have any more children with equal parts certainty everyday, all year. 
  • Finally perfected the art of extreme gesturing while speaking. 
  • Accepted a calling at church as Assistant Girls Camp Director and a calling in the Primary Presidency.
  • Continued working with Spec. Ed @ MNW elementary school
  • Coached Preschool Soccer and decided never to do it again.

  • Started his 2nd year serving in our church Bishopric
  • Told 1,837,043,684,765 dad jokes
  • Looking forward to celebrating his 9th Anniversary with his smoking hot wife. (and his 9th anniversary with Coca- Cola)
  • Was not offered the head coaching position at The University of Nebraska despite being highly qualified, but looks forward to continuing his love of armchair football coaching both the Cornhuskers and BYU.
  • Allows our cat Muggles to live