Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paisley's Adventure Part 1

In order to tell this story I have to start at the beginning....
About three weeks ago Paisley developed a cough one morning and by mid-afternoon it became increasing apparent that she wouldn't be able to wait for her doctors appointment the next day. When we picked up Brighton from the bus stop, Paisley seemed fine but in the ten minutes to took us to get there and back she could barely breath. I called her doctor and they told me to rush her to the ER. We waited just 10 minutes for Dan to get home and give her a blessing. ( a special prayer given by a priesthood holder)
At the ER they gave her a chest x-ray and told us she had the beginning stages of a pneumonia. They gave us an antibiotic and medication for our nebulizer. (I think that is spelled correctly but my spell check is having a field day) They also gave me strict instructions that she may not sound better after her full course of treatment and I shouldn't worry because 'that is just how pneumonia is'.
For a time she seemed to be feeling better but after another few days her breathing and her coughing reached the point where I knew it was more then just residual illness. BUT, her pediatrician was SWAMPED! ('tis the season they said) Finally Wednesday I took to the ER, where we spent the entire day. They gave her a chest X-ray, gave us antibiotics and medication for the nebulizer. (sound familiar?) and sent us home.
I debated taking her back to the ER on Wednesday night. Because she was no longer coughing but her breathing was getting worse. So, I upped the breathing treatments to every two hours. By three in the morning however she was pulling in her tummy every time she breathed, and was moaning EVERY time she exhaled. Her exhale was twice as long as her inhale and she had stopped eating. I showered quick and grabbed a pair of sweats and ran her to the Emergency Room around 3:00 am. Where they gave her: a chest x-ray, antibiotics, and medication via nebulizer. (sensing a theme?)
When that didn't seem to have much of an effect (go figure) they finally admitted us to the hospital. We stayed in Fort Dodge with her for two days. When we first brought her in she was smiling and happy but they put her on oxygen and IV and made her stay in the crib.(heartbreaking) By the second day she was miserable had stopped smiling, refused to eat, was moaning every second she wasn't asleep. They finally made the choice to send her to Blank Children's Hospital via helicopter. We still hadn't seen an actual doctor. I was getting so frustrated, I would have taken her to an English professor if it meant she could see someone with a PHD. Finally our doctor made a rare appearance, but let's just say I was not impressed with his lack of concern. The air paramedics were literally there in 20 minutes from Des Moines.

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