Monday, March 11, 2013

The World According to Emily

I have seriously neglected my blogging. When I first started the blog, I had every intention of keeping it about our family life and the girls growing up...a "keepin' up with the Jensens" sort of thing. But, I'm more then just a mom and while I love my kids tremendously (I'm sure no one doubts that) I am more then my roll as a mom. Sometimes I think we lose our identity in our children. Is it wrong? Is it bad? No, they are a part of us and make up the vast majority of our joy (and frustration); they make up our lives. But sometimes I just want to not talk about diapers, speech therapy, how to get sharpie off of hard wood floor, and nutritious foods at economic prices! I mean, I've got thoughts on gun control and the only person I seem to get to share them with is a three year old who's biggest current issue is that the good Lord seemed to have made her with no volume control. Sometimes I just want to talk about the world according to Emily.
I just turned 27. It wasn't good. It wasn't bad and the world did not end. But I'm firmly in my latter twenties and that is strange. I went to the mall the other day, put on my super cute wrap dress and my black boots. I noticed a few college age boys staring at me and smiling, trying to catch my eye, and I'm like "I've still got it, I'm one hot mom!"  Right?!? "I'm cute, I'm foxy, I'm working it"...wrong, there were Cheerios stuck to my butt. But, I still made them look good!
I get to work a couple days a week. I like my job taking pictures at the portrait studio. It's nice to be creative and develop a new skill. My hours have been reduced and the girl who manages the place is not someone I'm a huge fan of. People always ask me why I don't quit, and the answer is simply, most the time I really enjoy what I do. I get to see a lot of different people and get to know a ton of great kids, some I get to see every week or every month. I have three favorites: Alex, this great little smiley guy who melts my heart. Kypton, who looks like he fell out of a baby GAP ad, and little Sophia, who has been coming in every week since she was born and is now a beautiful happy 1 year old. And there are countless other awesome kids and families that I get to hang out with everyday I'm there.  Also, as much as I love staying home with my kids It's good to get dressed and get out of the house and speak to adults.When I first started working after 5 years of being home I was a little rusty. Someone would say " Hi Emily how are you today" and I'd say: "Thanks!" or "I good" or someone would say "You look nice today!" and I'd say "Good". but now I think have at least a slightly better grasp on my language skills.
A few days ago, A group of business men came in from a financial firm in Cedar Falls. We get a lot of brokers, realtors, and insurance agents who want business photos for billboards, business cards, bus benches, circulars, websites, and facebook pages. These are some of my favorites. The boss and senior partner in the firm showed up an hour early and sat waiting while I took pictures of a little boy, and answered phone calls and then took 4 passport photos who had appointments ahead of him. When the rest of his group arrived I took their photos. He didn't say a word to me and didn't smile the whole time. He was unrufflle-able and everyone seemed incredible intimidated by him. We chose the group of photos they wanted and he paid. When he was leaving he turned around and said, "You aren't from Fort Dodge are you?" and I said "No. Why?" and he said, "I just didn't get Fort Dodge off you. You were incredibly professional and did great job. If you are ever interested in a different line of work give me a call." and handed me his business card.  I've been offered countless jobs but that was by far the most meaningful. I got the feeling even being a secretary for this guy would be pretty lucrative. Anyway, not really seeming like someone from around here, is one of the nicest compliments I've received in a long time.
It's Paisley's 2nd birthday today. I've got to make that sweet little thing a birthday cake. It's so funny. Our first two kids were planned to the month and little Paisley was the biggest best surprise of all!!! Now, we couldn't imagine life without her in it.
Thanks for letting me ramble, Em

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