Tuesday, July 19, 2011

....Bullet Hole?

This week waiting on my test results has been agonizing. My mind has drifted to the worst case scenario countless times. Every time my phone rings I run to it, and everyone time I answer it someone is asking me if I got my results back. When I see some of my friends, they give me that look and hug me and say 'hang in there'. Which I really appreciated the first hundred times and now I'm like.....jeez stop treating me like I have cancer! (lol! too soon?)
It has been nearly impossible to get a person with a PHD on the phone, and this morning the receptionist informed me they have no idea where my biopsy results were. So, further instilling confidence that I'm putting my life in the hands of capable people. But they finally called this afternoon and my diagnosis is....*pause for dramatic effect*....

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Which sounds way scary, but in fact it is the most common form of all cancers. Mostly basal cell carcinomas occur on places that receive a lot of sun, but my tumor occurred on my upper inner thigh. Which is partially the reason the doctors were certain it was malignant melanoma, thankfully they were wrong. My cancer grows at a slow rate and can be treated without radiation. But because of the color and depth, and location of my tumor, they have decided to remove it and excise the area around it, the first week of August. The doctor assures me it will look something like a large bullet wound when it heals. Sweet, I guess. This produces cure rates of around 90%. Then, I will have to have regularly bi yearly visits to the dermatologist for the rest of life, because I'm at higher risk for it reoccurring . Basal cell carcinoma rarely metastasizes and rarely is fatal.
Which given what I was lead to believe last week...is a total relief.

My husband and I really just want to thank everyone for the support this last week, and prayers. We feel really grateful to have so many wonderful friends and family members.


  1. Emily,

    You are so brave. I don't think I would handle this as well as you are. You are definitely someone we call all look up to.


  2. You certainly got yourself some street cred with your festering bullet wound.

  3. Oh Emily, I don't know how you do it sometimes! You are SuperWoman. The "Street Cred" Dan referenced will more than surely make you the toughest mom on the block...if not for the "bullet wound", for the fact that through all the waiting and I'm sure the recovery you have and will stay cheery, faithful, loveable Emily. I know you have amazing support through your family and the church but if you ever need a few minutes to yourself (without the pressure to live up to your new rep) give me a call. The Girls are all welcome to come over for a bit to play outside! ~Dani

  4. I was so happy to read this!! Glad you are doing OK with your diagnosis.

    Isn't blogging theraputic :) that's awesome, because I'm nosy and want to read all about it (no matter what IT is).

    I know it's cliche to tell someone "you're in my prayers," but.... you are.
