Monday, November 14, 2011


I complain so much about my home, I wish it were bigger and nicer, cleaner and more organized. Nothing like a few weeks on a hospital cot to bring you some perspective. We spent another 3 days in the 'slammer' with our little Paisley, for another bout of bronchitis. Luckily though we caught it earlier and she was able to recover pretty rapidly. Thankfully they didn't even have to give her an IV. On a possibly related note, for those of you who weren't aware. I have developed a lightheaded-ness and dizziness that causes me to be unable to focus my vision. It's bizarre, and occasionally gives me head shattering migraines. I have no official diagnosis yet, but there are a few things that can cause this:
Meneire's Disease: which is caused by a body's inability to process salt, and turns the liquid in your inner ear to a syrup consistency therefor making it difficult to balance.The treatment is low salt diet, which I have already begun. (life is a little bland without salt)
Vertigo: in layman's terms, there are delicate structures in your middle ear that allow you to balance. A small piece or crystal may be 'floating' around in there where it shouldn't be and it's telling my brain that I am not balanced when I am. This means physical therapy.
Albuterol sensitivity/allergy/ overdose: As you may remember I have been giving Paisley albuterol breathing treatments for about 7 weeks, every few hours and on my lap. It's possible that all that albuterol has affected me manifest as lightheaded-ness. (this is relatively unheard of, but is my husband's favorite theory.)
And the last is optic migraines: just a theory, I know very little about it, but the symptoms fit.
I have an appointment with one of the only two specialists in Iowa tomorrow.

So, I'm sorry that my blog has seemingly become more of a medical history, but this is my life lately. Here is the non medical things that have happened since you last read.
I got a terrible haircut. I mean just bad. I asked for long angled bangs and I got huge bushy shaggy straight across bangs. (what can you do though? but rock works if you work it right?) <-----I think that may be an AA slogan but it's applicable for fashion.
Paisley turned 8 months old!!! I can hardly believe it. And on the day she turned 8 months, she FINALLY popped out two adorable razor sharp little teeth. She is on the verge of soon as she was unhooked from all the machines at the hospital she was ready to get down and give it a try. She is so close. She gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. (adorable) I expect in two weeks to be writing about her crawling all over the place. Which I welcome but also fear because she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth! AND we finally got a doctor to take her eye problem seriously. For those of you who weren't aware, she looks completely normal most of the time but sometimes both of her eyes will get 'stuck' and look lazy for a few seconds. It's just weird, and worries me, and 'lovely' people comment on it all the time. She has an appointment with a specialist in Des Moines in three weeks. Hopeful we will have answers all around!
Brighton has developed an attitude, of which I am having trouble controlling. So sassy and bossy, and so good at the back talking. So if you have an ideas I am anxiously awaiting advice. Fairon is learning a few new words thank goodness, but is super clingy after having mom disappear to the hospital three times in two months.
I am positive and looking forward to the future, hopefully healthy...and with a better haircut.

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