Wednesday, May 18, 2011

10 things I know...

1. God lives. He exists and everything proves his presence to me. Even the bad horrible things, because if evil exists then so must good. You only need to look around this world to see Satan and so must God live.

2. Beautiful things come in threes, of which I have daily proof: Brighton, Fairon, and Paisley.

3. A good marriage takes work. It requires you to put another person first constanly in the hopes that they do the same. When that works it is the most valuable relationship you can have.

4. Nothing turns out just the way you think.

5. When you gossip, you just look ugly.

6. It's better not to have an opinion about everything, it makes what you really care about stand out.

7. It works if you work it. Confidence and exuberance...that's real beauty

8. Two things in this world that will get you everything: Education and Kindness.

9. An object in motion will stay in motion.

10. We are born good. We need to be more like our children. See the beauty in the little mundane things. Be compassionate for everyone. Cry when we need to cry. Laugh, sing, and dance just because. Remember how much easier it was to believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, God, peace, and love when we were children? <---Proof.

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