Monday, September 5, 2011

typical Emily.

Yesterday Dan and I had to go to Ames to have an interview with our Stake President. For those of you who don't know or understand: the stake president is the person who presides over the church in an area, in this case a good large chunk of Iowa.

Anyway, We met with him separately first. He is such an amazing guy. We talked out my kids and how Dan and I met. The he said, "it's time I need to ask you some very important questions, and they pertain to your husband's worthiness." (loaded right?)

So he asked me how my husband treats me....which I was so not expecting and I just started bawling. Not cute feminine one-glistening-tear-down-your-cheek crying either. That's not my style. Apparently I like to make nearly complete strangers feel totally uncomfortable!

Through my tears he looked pretty concerned. I swear for the first few moments he seemed to think I was totally abused by my husband.

The truth was I was just overcome with genuine emotion because my husband is a very excellent human being and I am so humbled that the Lord would allow us to be together. Had I any right to expect a husband who exceeds his own share of the work daily, who loves me and his children endlessly, someone who gives and gives and gives and hardly ever takes? A human being so kind and so good that more rare then a swear word is a negative word about any one. So handsome he still makes my knees weak. So genuine in word and action that he inspires me, everyday to be a better person, worthy of him.

How am I treated? Better then I deserve.


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