Thursday, September 27, 2012


Since the last time I really used my blog (February) Brighton hit a little milestone of her own, She turned 5!  Is it possible for me to have a five year old?
Yep, Ain't she beautiful -------->

    I know as a mom you aren't supposed to love one of your children more then the other. And I don't love any one of my girls more then the others, but I do love them differently. They all three of them are different and have different challenges and strengths.
    Paisley for instance, as the baby gets the benefits of parents who know what they are doing, we have a little experience at this point...but she also has to share those parents with two others.
    Fairon gets a raw deal, everything is a hand-me-down and just as she is starting to get used to it we take it away and hand it to her baby sister. But She benefits from wiser parents then her older sister had and has never gotten hand-me-down love.
   And poor Brighton, She dealt with me and Dan as first time parents.  She went to the emergency room for a cough. She listened to her mother cry, up to my elbows in poop, about how I would NEVER be able to wear clean clothes again. She dealt with an over packed diaper bag that still managed to not contain the things we diapers. She did managed to walk despite the serious disadvantage of never being put down.  She got shampoo in her eyes, had to eat sweet potatoes, wore a helmet to go sledding, and suffered through a mother's inept attempt to cut her bangs.  But she did get time; a whole lot of time, attention, affection, and love.

    Brighton is so smart she scares the pants off me! She is a great older sister most of the time, and makes tons of concessions to keep her little sisters happy. She is slightly over dramatic, but let's face it  she comes by that naturally. She doesn't like to cuddle.  She is is a total type A personality!  She acts responsibly most of the time. Sometimes we say she was born 30 years old.

She loves:
Art, painting, coloring, scrapbooking, crafts,
reading, science, nature, 
She's really interested in: 
learning to ride her bike, the states, the presidents, and WHY everything exists.

Her favorites: Best Friend is Ella
Favorite show: Frannie's Feet, Pinky Dinky Doo, Wild Kratts
Fav. Color: Think PINK!
Loves to experience new things
Enjoys baking

Brushing her teeth
Getting her Hair done
Lima Beans
Speaking or singing in public
Meeting new people

 Brighton is an all around exceptional 5 year old, I'm so proud to be her helicopter mom!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I'm going to throw people for a loop and actually blog two WHOLE days in a row. I thought it was only a natural progression that I tell you how about Miss Fairon Nicole. She just turned THREE!

You know how people, when they say something negative about their child, always immediately follow it up with how much they love them? Gosh that annoys me. I just like when people tell the truth. I know you love your child even if you are struggling with them. 

Fairon is a stinker. She is a challenge. She is difficult. She is strong willed. She is independent.  She is just like me.
AND I love her. See, it's hard not to do.

Three is a tough age. I'm not sure why people say 'terrible twos' because three is so much worse! But with Fairon she was just born this way. Everything has to be her idea. She has to master everything. Did you know that Fairon is an American variation of an Irish name Farren? Which seemingly  has a hundred different meanings that all seem to boil down to: Stubborn and Spirited.  I felt God gave me that name for her, turns out it was perfect. Perhaps I should have done some more research.

    Fairon is a little mother. She is so compassionate and empathetic. She feels ALL her feelings to their highest degree. She adores her little sister and her father, and merely tolerates me and Brighton. Fairon's affections are hard to win, but that makes them more valuable.  She is complex, wonderful, and difficult to describe. She has that X factor. We call her our little Warrior Artist.

 Fairon Likes:
Calliou and Dora
Art in every form
Everything HER Way

Fairon Dislikes:
Lima Beans
Having to accept help
Not being able to make the letter sounds, F, V, TH, X
Having to share with Brighton
Not going to preschool everyday
Sleeping in her own bed

     She is deeply smart, but people have a hard time seeing it because she lacked language skills for almost three years. She is a total character, extremely dramatic, and expressive. It's how she first learned to  communicate. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She is an awesome combination of strong and sensitive.  I admire her and fear for her because I see so much of myself in this one. 

     She is beautiful; Always puts her shoes on the wrong feet and will fight you till the death if you suggest she did something wrong.  I have always felt really strongly that God gave me a sliver of myself to teach me, not to tame her, but to love her for who she is and ultimately to love myself.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


     I have been slightly bogged down lately with all the things it takes to make a life: laundry, bills, work, dishes, baths, dinner, bedtime stories, teeth brushing, hugs, boogers, diapers, shopping, pinterest.  
      It's been awhile since I stopped and really evaluated my blessings, and that has to start with my greatest blessings, my beautiful girls.  We just passed a milestone with Miss Paisley Morgan, who recently turned 18 months old.
    Our little mop top is about the sweetest little chickadee you'd ever want to meet. She is even-tempered and a total mommy's girl. She follows me where ever I go, if she is not playing with her second mom, Fairon.  She has a million kilowatt smile that lights up her face, and she shares with everyone...except the pediatrician. 
    Paisley is fond of music and art. No surprises there as she follows in the footsteps of her older sisters, and has been holding a crayon beside them since she was 6 months old.
  A few of her favorite things:
Rubber duckies
Yo Gabba Gabba
Mortal Danger
New Words

Things she isn't excited by:
Diaper Changes
Hair Brushes
Hair Ties
Eye Doctors
Actual Toys
Mom Working
 Sleeping Through the Night

This kid has a serious knack for getting into trouble and the sweetest face to apologize with.Case in point this morning she pushed a chair over to the cupboard climbed up and pulled a couple steak knives out of the drawer. She is learning new words everyday: Book, Duck, Jesus, Stuck, Sick, Bump, Sis, Dada, Mama, Eyes, Thanks, Ears, Glasses, Poop, Stink, Yucky, and Bright. She can point to all her body parts and some shapes like circle and star. Her favorite songs are "open shut them" and "I'm Elmo and I know it".
Her eyes are still hazel although less green then they were 6 months ago. She is FINALLY getting the last of her little teeth in, which I pray will be over soon. Her curls are loosening up which makes me wonder if by next year she'll have straight hair like the other girls.

I'm blessed to be this sweet baby's mama, if all children were like this I'd have a dozen!