Thursday, September 27, 2012


Since the last time I really used my blog (February) Brighton hit a little milestone of her own, She turned 5!  Is it possible for me to have a five year old?
Yep, Ain't she beautiful -------->

    I know as a mom you aren't supposed to love one of your children more then the other. And I don't love any one of my girls more then the others, but I do love them differently. They all three of them are different and have different challenges and strengths.
    Paisley for instance, as the baby gets the benefits of parents who know what they are doing, we have a little experience at this point...but she also has to share those parents with two others.
    Fairon gets a raw deal, everything is a hand-me-down and just as she is starting to get used to it we take it away and hand it to her baby sister. But She benefits from wiser parents then her older sister had and has never gotten hand-me-down love.
   And poor Brighton, She dealt with me and Dan as first time parents.  She went to the emergency room for a cough. She listened to her mother cry, up to my elbows in poop, about how I would NEVER be able to wear clean clothes again. She dealt with an over packed diaper bag that still managed to not contain the things we diapers. She did managed to walk despite the serious disadvantage of never being put down.  She got shampoo in her eyes, had to eat sweet potatoes, wore a helmet to go sledding, and suffered through a mother's inept attempt to cut her bangs.  But she did get time; a whole lot of time, attention, affection, and love.

    Brighton is so smart she scares the pants off me! She is a great older sister most of the time, and makes tons of concessions to keep her little sisters happy. She is slightly over dramatic, but let's face it  she comes by that naturally. She doesn't like to cuddle.  She is is a total type A personality!  She acts responsibly most of the time. Sometimes we say she was born 30 years old.

She loves:
Art, painting, coloring, scrapbooking, crafts,
reading, science, nature, 
She's really interested in: 
learning to ride her bike, the states, the presidents, and WHY everything exists.

Her favorites: Best Friend is Ella
Favorite show: Frannie's Feet, Pinky Dinky Doo, Wild Kratts
Fav. Color: Think PINK!
Loves to experience new things
Enjoys baking

Brushing her teeth
Getting her Hair done
Lima Beans
Speaking or singing in public
Meeting new people

 Brighton is an all around exceptional 5 year old, I'm so proud to be her helicopter mom!

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