Tuesday, September 25, 2012


     I have been slightly bogged down lately with all the things it takes to make a life: laundry, bills, work, dishes, baths, dinner, bedtime stories, teeth brushing, hugs, boogers, diapers, shopping, pinterest.  
      It's been awhile since I stopped and really evaluated my blessings, and that has to start with my greatest blessings, my beautiful girls.  We just passed a milestone with Miss Paisley Morgan, who recently turned 18 months old.
    Our little mop top is about the sweetest little chickadee you'd ever want to meet. She is even-tempered and a total mommy's girl. She follows me where ever I go, if she is not playing with her second mom, Fairon.  She has a million kilowatt smile that lights up her face, and she shares with everyone...except the pediatrician. 
    Paisley is fond of music and art. No surprises there as she follows in the footsteps of her older sisters, and has been holding a crayon beside them since she was 6 months old.
  A few of her favorite things:
Rubber duckies
Yo Gabba Gabba
Mortal Danger
New Words

Things she isn't excited by:
Diaper Changes
Hair Brushes
Hair Ties
Eye Doctors
Actual Toys
Mom Working
 Sleeping Through the Night

This kid has a serious knack for getting into trouble and the sweetest face to apologize with.Case in point this morning she pushed a chair over to the cupboard climbed up and pulled a couple steak knives out of the drawer. She is learning new words everyday: Book, Duck, Jesus, Stuck, Sick, Bump, Sis, Dada, Mama, Eyes, Thanks, Ears, Glasses, Poop, Stink, Yucky, and Bright. She can point to all her body parts and some shapes like circle and star. Her favorite songs are "open shut them" and "I'm Elmo and I know it".
Her eyes are still hazel although less green then they were 6 months ago. She is FINALLY getting the last of her little teeth in, which I pray will be over soon. Her curls are loosening up which makes me wonder if by next year she'll have straight hair like the other girls.

I'm blessed to be this sweet baby's mama, if all children were like this I'd have a dozen!

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