Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Reasons Why I ACTUALLY suck at blogging...

I don't actually do anything. I love to read people's blogs who everyday are taking pictures of their kids, crafts, and activities.
Secretly, I guess not so secretly anymore, think "is their life really as interesting as this blog entry seems?"
"Did they really just get the perfect picture of their children actually getting along?"
Or did they just spend five minutes yelling at their kids to do the 6 S's :Sit down, Stop wiggling, Shut up, Stop hitting your sister, and SMILE! Followed by the expletive starting with 'S'!

Here is my ACTUAL worthy?
I woke up to LOUD crying down stairs and simultaneously realized 1. I forgot to turn on the baby monitor and 2. Yep, I still have a headache.
I put Fairon and Paisley in bed with me, in the hopes that they will each sleep about an hour longer...crept out of my bedroom. Did the dishes from the night before, managed to squeeze doing two loads of laundry in before they all woke up.
Threw some whole wheat eggo waffles in the toaster. (see I'm a good mom, whole wheat is healthy!) Slathered them with peanut butter and syrup so they would actually eat aforementioned whole wheat waffles.
Changed diapers but not clothing. Blew a fuse.(an actual fuse, not figurative, although almost)
Folded two loads of laundry, watched them get promptly unfolded. called a friend....complained about how I suck at blogging.
Came upstairs and put my fingers to the keyboard amid yelling and crying.
Right now, there is a child on my lap, a child crying, and one child actually ripping little bits of typing paper into 'snow'. We are still in our jammies and we had scrambled eggs for lunch.

This is my actual life. blog worthy?
I'm hoping so.


  1. Yes, it most certainly is. If for nothing else, so you can look back and see what your life was like. In fact, I took a look at some old entries on my blog, dating back to 2003. Some things I remember, some I don't. Some things I'm relieved I don't have to deal with any more.

  2. Sounds like a perfect morning!!!
