Sunday, August 28, 2011

By popular demand....

No kidding...people are holding me accountable to that promise I made to update my blog on the weight loss progress. So, here it goes. I am down to:
165 pounds.

I have lost a total of 55 pounds now since March.
With a goal of 30 more to go.

I'm still not comfortable in my skin yet, but I am constantly being reminded by my mom, who struggled with her own weight, to not let it hold me back and to press forward and let people take photos of me, so I'm remembered in my children's 'memories'. Which is very true.

Look for more photos in the future of my next ten pounds shed!

1 comment:

  1. Hold onto these two photos, they will be cherished favorites of your girls someday. Not because they show your current weight loss progress...but because you're beautiful.
