Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Paisley is now 5 months old! As unexpected as our little P.J. was we now can't imagine our lives without her. She is probably the happiest baby I have ever seen. The best word to describe her is 'Jovial'. She loves her daddy, like all the girls, and tolerates me most of the time. She has the most darling laugh. At five months her favorite things are nursing, rough housing with daddy, and playing peek a boo or patty cake with Brighton. Fairon loves to sing her itsy bitsy spider or rock.a.bye baby, much to her joy. She loves to play with my hair and put her little baby fingers in my mouth.
I love to watch her sleep, and listen to her breath and watch her little chest rise up and down. She smells like that perfect baby smell, and sometimes it's so bitter sweet because she is growing so fast. She is our baby and probably the last one, so I fight off the urge everyday to keep her from growing up. She just learned to sit up by herself and she says "Hi" when she coos, swear to goodness. She looks like both of her sisters which is so funny because Brighton and Fairon don't look much alike. She is heaven sent, we believe very literally, to us and Daniel and I couldn't be more grateful for our littlest surprise.

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog. It describes perfectly how it feels to be a mother in that moment. I miss some of those times you described but can remember them perfectly. Sometimes when I think I want another baby, in actuality, I just want the kids I have to be babies again. It flies by........
