Sunday, August 21, 2011

Don't touch my child!!!

Today is a perfect example of "don't be mean to me or I'll blog about you". I have had a stomach bug for a couple days and in an effort to recover completely I stayed home to rest. I got a few things done and I lounged around with Paisley and watched a black and white movie on TCM called 'Room For One More' with Carey Grant. It was a nice and peaceful and I was feeling much better.


My husband came home and told me that my Brighton was being very helpful at church and was helping set up for our potluck after our services, when she side stepped herself quickly out of the way of some oncoming adults. ( in short what we have taught her to do) One of them picked up my child and scolded her for 'running' in the church....While my husband was standing right there.

I would never dream of yelling at someone's child while their parent was right there. Especially to go as far as pick up a sensitive four year old that you don't know, and scold her. Ridiculous. You do NOT put your hands on someone's child. YOU DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS ON MY CHILD IN ANGER, EVER. And Brighton did nothing wrong but move out of her way and her father was right there. We correct our own children when they need to be corrected.

I have corrected children when their parents weren't around as I would expect others to do to my children. I have talked to other kids when they were in danger or endangering myself or my kids...but never when their parents are right there.

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